Writer’s block

Writer’s block.

I can’t remember ever having it before.  But I have it now.

Now that it’s summer, and I have plenty of time to write blog entries, it has become ridiculously hard to write those blog entries.

Everything that I write comes out stiff, forced, painful, yucky.  It takes me four times as long to write something that I’m one-quarter as proud of.

And on top of the awkward writing, I’m haunted by the voice of Cathie Mercier:  “Never use the word is in your writing!!”  Cathie used to circle every is on our papers in red ink, and I swear I can see red circles all over my blog entries.

Wicked annoying.  I hope this passes soon.

2 thoughts on “Writer’s block”

  1. No “ises” in this entry – except where you note them. Then again, “it depends on what your definition of is is.”

  2. Dear Abby –
    First of all, there is nothing wrong with “is.” Good lord. Writing advice like that, dictatory and arbitrary, IS not useful. The verb “to be” in all its forms is fine to use if you use it well. So just get that voice out of your head. Give it — the voice — a big fat raspberry while you’re at it.

    Here’s what I learned doing journalism: there is no such thing as writer’s block. That was kind of a mantra in the newsroom. You have a story to report on, a deadline to meet, you sit down and write. Simple as that. So maybe if you have deadlines for yourself, self-imposed or imposed by a spouse or sibling, that might help.

    Here’s what I tell my students when they groan about writer’s block: try something different. Write in your journal. Write poetry. Read poetry. Go for a walk. Write lists of blog entries you might want to write. Make cookies. Sing. Okay, don’t sing. But the point is, sometimes forcing it — unless you’re on a strict journalism deadline and that’s your job — forcing the writing can only make it worse. Allow the “well of ideas” to fill up again. When it is, you will know it. Then begin again.

    And have fun too.

    love, Jean

    PS I counted nine forms of the verb “to be” in what I just wrote. So there.

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