White Sands, Red Menace

Just finished reading Ellen Klages’ sequel to last year’s Green Glass Sea: White Sands, Red Menace.  And I’m sad to say that I really didn’t love it, even though I did love the first book.  The plot drags…and drags…and drags…and the characters didn’t grab me the way that they did in the first book.  There were two many minute details about daily life in 1946 that bored me sleepy (we’ll see on Tuesday if the sixth grade book group had the same reaction as I did), and because of that it took me forever to read the book – seven hours or so, about four hours longer than I’d have expected.  And then there was the odd scene with Ynez offering to shampoo Suze’s hair, and giving Suze a shoulder rub (so out of place in this book, so out of place).  The book is ok, but no where near as solidly and completely conceived as the first.  Some books don’t need sequels, can’t support them for whatever reason, and Green Glass Sea falls into that category.

And now, after spending most of the day reading, it’s time to do something ELSE with my eyes.