Tired and uninspired

I know I have no right to complain, since I’m employed and love my job, but I’m going to complain a little bit anyway.  Lately I’ve been hitting one of those low-ebb periods in life, where getting out of bed in the morning seems like a heck of a lot of work.  I bring a lot of work home with me: preparation for toddler storytimes (I’ve run out of the plans I created last year and am back creating new ones at home to add to my storytime library); preparation for book groups – and last week’s book selection of Tunnels by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams consumed a whole lot of reading time…though I DID love the book; and plenty of errand running, like buying bagels for book group meetings, purchasing felt for storytimes (that I buy with my own money, by the way), and buying a gazillion bags of popcorn and millions of cases of water for movie nights. 

And then there’s the prep for my tutoring, which suddenly has become more involved since Josie graduated from the Wilson Reading System and I need to study up on Latin and Greek roots, prefixes, and suffixes (not something that’s easily crammed, either, let me tell you).

And then, as I write this on Sunday, I’m listening to some of the neighborhood kids – the loud, ill-behaved ones – SCREAM at each other.  SCREAM – SCREAM – SCREAM.  No rest for weary Abby.

So I’m tired.  Very tired.  And uninspired.  Blah, really.

I know I’ll get my mojo back, and my enthusiasm, but for right now I’m just tired.  Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.