The New Throne

So, after my lengthy blog silence, you might expect that I’d write my first post of the new year about something very intelligent – very profound – very deep.  You’d be wrong.

Our toilet seat died on Saturday.  It was the cheapest possible white plastic seat, so we weren’t at all surprised when it broke (but I do feel bad that it decided to break for a visitor at our house…).  Jim and I went to KMart on Sunday to find a replacement, and for some reason we didn’t choose a white plastic seat.  Oh no.  We both got totally enamored of a clear plastic resin seat with shells and dolphins embedded in the resin.  “Should we???” asked Jim.  “What the heck!!” I replied, “Let’s do it!!  Hee hee hee.”

And we did.  It is the most hideous abomination of a toilet seat that I’ve ever seen (“Never seen ANYTHING like it,” said Jim), but it does make me giggle every time I use the bathroom.  Which is actually a very good way to begin a new year, in my opinion.

Drumroll, please – here are photos of this awesomely awful new throne (click on photos to enlarge):

img_0421.jpg  img_0422.jpg

6 thoughts on “The New Throne”

  1. Very cool. It would be even cooler if it were fluid-filled, so that when you sat on it the dolphins moved around….

  2. See? Judging from your comments, our next house party will be WAY fun!
    And I think that the ideal would be fluid-filled AND musical. “Oronoco Flow” is a nice touch, Liz!!!

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