Sometimes, it’s all about the shoes

Before I start, let me just state the obvious: shoes have absolutely NOTHING to do with children’s literature, being a children’s librarian, or education.  But I’m on vacation, so I’m going to write about shoes, gosh darn it!

Two years ago, when Liz and Jean were visiting, the three of us went to a great sale at a local tack shop (Pegasus Farm).  Liz and I don’t have horses, and were a bit bored, so we looked at the shoes.  And I found the best pair of sandals ever, which I’ve worn almost every day for the past two summers.  Only one problem, really – they’re tan, and I wear a lot of black, even in the summer.  But Ariat had discontinued the item, so that was that.

And then today, on the Ariat website, I saw the sandals.  In black.  Wouldn’t you know, though, Ariat has already sold out of my size in black, with no plans to make any more.  Jeepers, guys.  Don’t you realize these are the best sandals ever and that you should make them forever??? 

I don’t give up easily, though, and managed to track down a pair on some obscure Western wear website, and phoned in the order to guarantee I’d get a pair.  I think the nice lady on the other end of the line thought I was a bit odd, being so excited about scoring a pair of rather ordinary-looking sandals.  I don’t care.  After the call was over, I did a little dance in the kitchen.

Because sometimes, it’s all about the shoes.