Just three weeks to go…

Somehow, maybe because of all the heat and humidity, this summer reading program has seemed the longest ever.  I don’t necessarily mean that in a bad way: we’ve had a lot of great events and storytimes and book groups and kids coming in to get their prizes.  But I keep thinking we must almost be done, and then we’re not…

Like every other summer I’ve worked at the library, I’ve been working like a dog, often staying late (and yes, I stay late for free – there’s no overtime, no worries) and only finishing dinner at 8:30 or 9:00 at night, especially if Jim is at band practice that night.  At some point, I promise that I will sit down and write a good lengthy post on each of the performers who has come this summer, but so far I’ve only found the time to write about Yo-Yo People and the World Class Frisbee Show.

For today, my plan is to read tomorrow’s 6th Grade Book Group book, The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly.  I had actually forgotten that I needed to read the book for tomorrow until about ten minutes ago – ooooops!  And then tomorrow starts the beginning of the third-to-last week of summer reading!  Hooray!!!!