Jim’s new job

Jim starts orientation for his new job today!  And he starts the new job for real on Monday.

Help me send him lots of good luck vibes!

7 thoughts on “Jim’s new job”

  1. Luck, luck, luck, all of it good, wishing it Jim’s way! So, what is his new job?

  2. Jim is now the Activities Director at an assisted living facility. Similar to the job he had before, though his last job was activities coordinator at an independent living facility. Leaving the last place of employment was a painful process – Jim *loves* those residents, and they *really* love him; Jim only left because of certain reasons that were once listed here but Jean has advised me to remove…sigh… What a shame that an end has come to the wonderful, positive relationships between Jim and those residents. But now a whole new group of residents will be the beneficiaries of Jim’s hugely positive, caring presence.

  3. You’re a great wife, you know? Your love for Jim just shines through in every word you write about him. You guys are great.

  4. I’m rooting for Jim. and I know he will do well. The residents at his previous place of employment really did love him and they miss him.

  5. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes. Good luck vibes.

    There you go, lots of good luck vibes!

  6. Jim thanks all of you for your good vibes and happy thoughts. Monday is the big day! 🙂

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