I’m still here

Though my blog has been silent for the last week or so, I’m still here.  Things are looking up in library-land: Jen, our fabulous new part-time children’s, part-time reference librarian, is now on her third day of work here, and is quickly moving up to warp speed.  Jen’s arrival means no more six day work weeks for me (yay!), and thus I’ll actually have free time at home to post regularly to my blog (double yay!).

Last week was a big one, and I’ll write posts tomorrow and the next day on the 5th grade book group’s discussion of Five Children and It (it was a terrific discussion, our best yet), and on Hugh Hanley’s visit to the library on Saturday for his “Circle of Songs” program (which was a big hit, of course).  But for now it’s back to preparation for today’s book group, the 6th grade discussion of Magyk by Angie Sage.

4 thoughts on “I’m still here”

  1. Glad you’re back…I missed you! But inquiring readers (and snoopy people like me) want to know, how’s life with a diswasher and a 5 day workweek??? Must be pretty marvy!-L

  2. Ummmmmmmmmmmm, I won’t speak for you, dear wife, but we’re not quite there yet. So Liz, here’s the scoop from my angle:

    Regarding the dishwasher, the cabinet has been modified, the drain has been hooked up (which required some modification on the kitchen sink drain). Now we need the electrician to show up on Friday to run the wire from the electrical panel – and then we need to have the plumber come and connect the hot water. Both of these areas need a professional.

    Then we can sit back with our toes toasting by the woodstove and listen to the gentle hum of 21st century engineering. How’s that scoop for inquiring minds.

  3. Marvy is definitely on the horizon, looming closer every day!
    I don’t know which one I’m more excited about – 5 day work weeks, or the dishwasher. Actually, the best part is that they’re arriving at the same time, so that I’ll better be able to enjoy those days off when there are NO DISHES TO HAND WASH!!!! 🙂

  4. Sounds like heaven! Thanks, Rudy for giving me the nitty-gritty…I can now picture the two of you with toasting toes and blissful smiles on your faces! Enjoy the hum…and all that time freed up! WOW, think of all the book reading and guitar strumming you’ll be able to do now! 🙂

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