
I’m feeling frustrated this morning.

Frustrated because we still have dial-up internet access, and AOL is beyond slow this morning.  I’ve logged on numerous times, and the connection is still slower than molasses.  More like the honey in the jar in our kitchen, which is almost solidified and sticks to a spoon like glue.

Frustrated because I didn’t set this blog up to be a political blog.

What a frustration that is.  Because, if I had set up this blog to be political, then I could talk about how frightened am about our country’s future.  If this blog were political, then I could talk about last night’s vice presidential debate, and about how terrified I am by the prospect of Sarah Palin being second in command.  If my focus here were political, I could talk about how scary it is that intelligence is viewed as a flaw in our country these days, whereas dropping your g’s and using colloquialisms like “doggone it” while spewing anti-facts are greeted with fondness.  If I were to discuss politics on this blog, I would talk about how fervently I hope that our country will choose the man for president who is intelligent, has a plan to bring our country back from the brink of financial ruin, and who can inspire us all to work together and rise from the ashes left behind by the current administration.

What a shame it is that my blog isn’t political.

One thought on “Frustrations”

  1. I’m frustrated too. Me, OWEN! Because I can’t use Jean’s blog anymore to run for PRESIDENT! Cuz she’s doing other stuff! So VOTE FOR ME! OWEN! I’m the DOG party candidate — Do Only Good!

    Sarah Palin likes cats.

    I’m OWEN and I approved this message.

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