Category Archives: Etc.

The New Throne

So, after my lengthy blog silence, you might expect that I’d write my first post of the new year about something very intelligent – very profound – very deep.  You’d be wrong.

Our toilet seat died on Saturday.  It was the cheapest possible white plastic seat, so we weren’t at all surprised when it broke (but I do feel bad that it decided to break for a visitor at our house…).  Jim and I went to KMart on Sunday to find a replacement, and for some reason we didn’t choose a white plastic seat.  Oh no.  We both got totally enamored of a clear plastic resin seat with shells and dolphins embedded in the resin.  “Should we???” asked Jim.  “What the heck!!” I replied, “Let’s do it!!  Hee hee hee.”

And we did.  It is the most hideous abomination of a toilet seat that I’ve ever seen (“Never seen ANYTHING like it,” said Jim), but it does make me giggle every time I use the bathroom.  Which is actually a very good way to begin a new year, in my opinion.

Drumroll, please – here are photos of this awesomely awful new throne (click on photos to enlarge):

img_0421.jpg  img_0422.jpg

Abby’s favorite things

Ok, so I’m not Oprah.  But here are some of my favorite things, things that make me happy:

M.T.W. Formosa Keemun Tea ~ It’s my favorite of the Mark T. Wendell teas, though running close behind are their Indonesian, Russian Caravan, Darjeeling, and Cheericup Ceylon.  Try it, you’ll like it!

Sweaters from Garnet Hill ~ I love love love Garnet Hill sweaters.  Yes, they’re pricey, but keep an eye on their Sale of the Day for some great deals.  And you’ll have the sweater forever.

Edward Gorey wall calendar ~ Jim and I have a tradition of buying these, beginning with the one we bought on our honeymoon.  We have yet to find one for 2010, though…

The Cat Empire ~ My favorite band.  They’re wicked talented and innovative in the way they mix and match musical styles, and they just plain make me happy.  If you haven’t heard of them, you really need to listen to a song or two.  And then buy their albums.

Fa liquid shower soap ~ Mieke introduced me to Fa back when we were in college, and I was psyched to find Fa products at my local independent drugstore.  My favorite is Energizing Kiwi Mix. 

Nashoba Brook Bakery ~ They made our wedding cake, which was awesome, but more importantly they make my favorite breads.  I love the Raisin bread for breakfast, the Sourdough bread in a sandwich, and the Olive bread as a special treat.

And that’s my top six list.  What’s yours?

Holiday blues

It’s my day off , and I thought I’d get all inspired and do all sorts of cool things today.  But when I woke up this morning I was very grumpy and very blue…both of which, I realized, are tied to the upcoming holiday.  I’m not quite sure when Christmas turned into a holiday that depresses me, since it used to be my favorite time of year, but it’s happened.  Maybe it’s due to lack of money to spend on gifts, maybe to my siblings living so very far away that we won’t see each other at the holiday, or maybe it’s because other women my age are busy making Christmas fun for their kids, an accoutrement that I don’t have.  Whatever the cause, if these holiday blues continue past today, it’s not going to be much of a Christmas.

And then, just as I write these words, my little psychic kitty Ophy has jumped into my lap and is purring and kneading my left arm with great enthusiasm and love.  (My sister insists that only dogs care about you when you’re sick or down, but I’d like to present Ophy as Exhibit A in the case for caring cats.)  So maybe life ain’t that dreadful, after all.

Birthday books

So, what books did I get with that very generous gift certificate to the Concord Bookshop that Jim gave me? Here they are:

The Red Necklace by Sally Gardner (in paperback)

The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Fire by Kristin Cashore

The Children’s Book by A.S. Byatt

Chez Jacques: Traditions and Rituals of a Cook by Jacques Pepin [my hero]

Lisa listened to this list, then said, “Abby, you DO know that you can get all of those books here at the library, don’t you?”  Yes, I do know that.  But I’m a book-a-holic, and I LOVE having my own copies of some books.  I baby them, I take very good care of them, and then, sometimes, I take them to the used bookstore and sell them when we start to run out of space in our house.  I love libraries, of course, but there’s nothing quite like having your very own copy of a favorite or much-anticipated book.  It’s the combination of the two, libraries and personal copies, that makes the literary world go ’round.

Thanks again, hun, for the gift certificate!

Happy Birthday to me!!!

Yup, today is my birthday, and I had a great one!  A few highlights from today:

~ While I was getting ready for toddler storytime at the library, the phone rang – I answered – someone started singing “Happy Birthday” to me, a little offkey, but with great spirit.  At first, I couldn’t figure out who it was…then I realized it was my big sister!  Thanks, Jean!

~ One of my favorite patrons* came in with a homemade cupcake for me with pink frosted writing on it: “Abby – HBD!”  I share my birthday with this patron’s daughter, which definitely helped her to remember my birthday, but I was extremely touched by this cupcake.  It totally made my day special!  And even better was later in the afternoon when her daughter (the birthday girl) came in to the library, wishing me a happy birthday and jumping up and down with excitement because she turned seven today, and could get her library card today!!!

~ Just after the cupcake arrived, I was reminded that my coworker Barbara and I also share a birthday.  How spooky that I suddenly know all these other people with the same birthday!

~ And, the very best part of the day: I came home to an awesome dinner cooked by my totally fantastic husband.  And a great card.  And a gift certificate to the Concord Bookshop.  I’m going to have some kind of fun using that gift certificate on Friday!!  I definitely have the best husband ever.  Definitely.

So, happy birthday to me.  This one was very mellow and not nearly so traumatic as last year’s Decade Birthday.  Whew.

* it should be noted that all of the library patrons are my favorites.  🙂


One major side benefit to me not tutoring anymore is that I’m actually inspired to cook sometimes now.  I’ve made mustard-crusted chicken (yummy!), chicken fajitas, salads that have stuff in them besides lettuce, and a beef and corn casserole (which Jim loved and I only sort of liked).  Next time Jim has band practice, I plan on making Fettucine with Bitter Greens (I can guarantee that Jim won’t be a fan of that recipe).

Today’s project was homemade lemonade.

I guess I never thought much about lemonade before; it’s so easy to buy a pre-made bottle and be done with it.  But Idylwilde Farm had a special on lemons yesterday, so I bought five and thought, “What the heck.  I’ll make lemonade.”  I used the recipe in Joy of Cooking, got my sugar water all boiled last night and cooled for today, and then went at it.  And the lemonade was actually pretty good, though I’d prefer that it was a little less sweet, a little more lemony, and that it didn’t use salt.  Looking in my Fannie Farmer Cookbook, I see that recipe uses a different approach to the sugar and water, and has no salt and more lemon juice.  I’ll try that one next, but…here’s my question to all of you:  do you have a favorite lemonade recipe?  And are you willing to share it?  Add your recipes to the comments!

Another big thank-you…

This time to Lizzie, who made me really smile for the first time in a while!

Today I opened our mailbox, and found a padded envelope addressed to:  “Abby Kingsbury, Librarian Extraordinaire.”  From Lizzie, of course!  I grinned and laughed out loud, because I knew right away what Lizzie had sent me – even before I saw the big red stamp saying “Perishable.”  Lizzie sent me dark chocolate!  Not just any dark chocolate – she sent the really good stuff.

Thanks, Lizzie!  You are truly the best!

(And if you’re not quite sure why Lizzie sent me chocolate, look back at this post.  And to make things even more special, Lizzie lives in Maine, not Massachusetts, and has only been to my library a couple of times over the years  :)  )

Almost time for an outing

My 48 hours of house arrest are almost over – yay!!  I still look like heck, and my lungs still sound, well, interesting, but I’m getting ready for my big outing this afternoon.

“Abby, you’ve just been sick for days!  Where are you going next?”

“I’m going to KMART!!!!”

Yes, indeed, I’m going to KMart.  To buy more Kleenex.  I estimate that I’ve used up at least four boxes of Kleenex over the last week, and it’s definitely time to refill the Kleenex stockpile.  And maybe look at some plants, too.  We could stand a few more of those gorgeous $6.79 hydrangeas.

And someday, hopefully soon, I’ll get back to writing about children’s literature on this blog.  But to be honest, children’s books and my job have been pretty far from my mind this last week.  Here’s to the power of phlegm: it made me take a real break from work for a change.