Calendars and such

No post of any substance today, or probably all week:  summer reading is fast approaching, and I’m spending all of my free time finishing off the summer calendar (which takes a huge amount of work, believe it or not), ordering the summer reading prizes, writing the summer raffle donation request letters, and reading book reviews.  We’ve just been phenomenally busy at the library in the last few months, and I’m literally unable to complete any task that requires concentration while I’m there.  So I have been trying to console myself about the loss of my free time to work by drinking lots of Arnold Palmer iced tea, listening to fun CDs (right now it’s Adam Lambert’s CD – and I guarantee Jim will be mortified that I’m admitting that we both own Adam’s CD AND listen to it), and taking cat-ear-scratching breaks.  And no, this at-home work is not on the clock, for anyone who wonders.  🙂

Here’s a thought: we should play music at the library.  Background music, you know?  A little “Whataya Want From Me” would make the day go faster.  And I bet the little kids would love to bop around to it…

2 thoughts on “Calendars and such”

  1. I also think “For Your Entertainment” would make the day cruise by a bit more quickly. David and I also own Adam’s CD. 🙂 It makes us smile mostly.

  2. And once again I wish we lived closer to each other – CLEARLY we operate on a similar wave length!!

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