Blog frustrations…

My blog has been down all day, for some reason (my brother’s was as well, so I’m guessing it was a server or host issue)…which really wouldn’t be an issue, except that I had an uncommitted hour tonight between 9 and 10 that I planned to use to write some blog entries that have been sitting in my brain for a couple of weeks.  But when the blog is down, entries don’t get written (it’s so tempting to browse the Fire Mountain jewelry making supplies website instead).  And then the next thing I know, it’s 10:00 and bedtime…and the blog is suddenly up and running again.  I’m glad it’s running, but sad that those great entries have to kick around in my forgetful brain for another day.

Meanwhile, though, please do check out the new link I’ve added – the website for Jim’s band.  It’s kind of cool to be married to a rock star!