At Jean’s Request…

For the last couple of months, we’ve been working at remodeling our bathroom.  Our awesome friend Greg, who also happens to be a carpenter, has done a huge amount of the work, and now Jim and I are at the point of putting down the backer board for the new tile floor.  Since we only have the one bathroom, and since Jim and I only share one day off a week, progress has been bit slow, but that’s ok.  I’ve actually gotten used to brushing my teeth at the kitchen sink, and it might be an adjustment to brush my teeth in the bathroom again.

At any rate, I was talking to my sister Jean last night, and she asked me to start posting photos of our bathroom re-do progress here on my blog.  What a great idea, I said, especially since my productivity on the blog has definitely been affected by the bathroom project.  So for the next few days I’ll be posting a series of “before” photos, and then “during” photos, to get everyone up to speed on the project. 

Today’s photos are the full yuckiness of our bathroom prior to this renovation.  We never, ever liked this bathroom (me more than Jim), partly because there was no room to move and partly because it was ill-thought-out and downright ugly in parts.  After seven years of home ownership, we were finally forced into renovation action after the floor started to break apart and come up large pieces, causing a major trip hazard.  Pictured below are the blechy floor, the moldy linen cabinet, and the odd corner medicine cabinet.  Not pictured, unfortunately, are the nasty ugly (and probably not up to electrical code) lights over the sink.  Click on images to enlarge:

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