Analog clocks

I’m worried that analog clocks, which I personally prefer to digital, will be going the way of the dinosaurs.

The computer sign-in sheet for the children’s room computers is on the end of the librarian’s desk; I have thoughtfully provided a pencil and an analog clock for kids to log the time when they sign in.  Thoughtfully, because I like to encourage kids to practice their clock reading skills.  But I do get a lot of grief from kids about this clock, and they frequently ask me what time it is.  For the younger ones, I talk them through how to tell the time on the clock.  Sometimes I talk the older kids through, too, but most often I encourage them to think about it for a minute and they usually get it.

Yesterday, an eighth grade girl (a regular in the children’s room) was signing in for the computer, and she casually asked me “What time is it?”

With a smile, I replied, “The clock is right there…”

“I know, but…”  [heavy, heavy sigh]

Me:  “Well, think about what time you get out of school, since you just got out, and see if that helps you figure it out.”

Another heavy sigh.

And then the boy next to her whispered, “It’s 2:26.”

I may lose this clock battle, and, more importantly, the analog clock might lose – sooner than we think.

3 thoughts on “Analog clocks”

  1. I try really really hard in my daily life not to be one of those old curmudgeons who complain about”kids these days” and “back in my day”….and I really value a lot of modern technology…even the stuff I don’t use, like cell phones. However, I see nothing wrong in your continuing to fight the good fight regarding analog clocks. Yes, it causes one to pause and think about it…but is that really such a bad thing? I don’t know, I just don’t want to go 100% digital read outs on everything. We have about 6 clocks in our house. Only 1 is digital. And I avoid it.

  2. I recently told a class of students to come back from a break at “quarter til” the hour. And they all looked at me funny. “When?” they said.
    “3:45,” I said. *Sigh.*

    Meanwhile, when I really want to know what time it is, I look at our analog clocks. I mean, you can see the hands move, which reminds you that time (or at least our concept of time) moves. Digital clocks? They just click from one number to the next like little robots. Boring, boring, boring.

    Long live the analog clock!

  3. They may let you think they don’t know how to read an analog clock, but when they’re in a class they don’t like with only an analog clock to tell them how many minutes are left, they’ll magically know how to tell time again.

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