A big thank you to Alyson & the rest of the volunteers

We’ve had a lot of fantastic volunteers helping out this summer (and this past year, too), and I owe personal thank-yous to every one of those volunteers.  But I thought I’d devote a blog entry to a thank-you to Alyson, former page extraordinaire, who went above and beyond last Thursday at the Tie Dye event.  [For those of you who aren’t librarians, a page is not just a piece of paper in a book – it’s also the job title of those dedicated students who work at the library reshelving books and who also stamp and cover new books prior to circulation.]

So Alyson was our library’s page extraordinaire, and now she’s half way through college, but still regularly comes back to visit with us and to provide invaluable volunteer assistance.  Lisa was the staff member who worked with Alyson at the Tie Dye, and Lisa told me after the event was over that we really owed Alyson a BIG thank you, because she “worked her ass off.”  Lisa rinsed every one of the t-shirts that came her way (we estimate 200 people attended the tie dye program), and Alyson lugged the millions of buckets of rinse water across the driveway, down a brutal slope, and into a storm drain.  I hear tell that she even wiped out once going down the slope, but she still had good humor about it.

Thank you, Alyson – you’re the best!  And thank you to every single volunteer who helped out last Thursday.  We could not have run this event without your help.  I really, really appreciate all that you did!!!