There’s nothing like the gift of a snow day, but the first snow day of the winter is especially wonderful. The superintendent of schools in the town where I work called a snow day yesterday, in the early evening, which meant that I knew early on that I could stay up late and sleep in a bit.
First up for the evening was to work on my final project for school, making some final tweaks to my website. And then the Patriots game: usually an 8:20 Patriots game is stressful, since usually I have to be up early the next morning and full of energy for storytime, but with a snow day ahead at least I could watch the game without worrying about exhaustion.
After suffering through most of the Patriots game my husband and I decided to give up on the game when it was clear that the Pats were going to lose. (There’s only so much anguish a true Pats fan can endure, and last night’s game was a test.) My husband decided to call it a night, and I said that I’d stay up reading just for a bit to calm my frayed nerves.
And then a magical thing happened: I got sucked into a book in a way that hasn’t happened in a very very long time. It wasn’t that the book was amazingly awesome, but rather that I actually had the space to read, and that outside the snowy world was magically time-resistant. I kept reading, and reading, and reading, and when I finished the book I realized that it was one in the morning (way past my usual bedtime).
I looked out the window to the beautiful snow scene outside (and took the picture you see below) and felt the happiest that I’ve felt in a very long time. If ever there was proof of the magic of reading, this was it.

I was actually stunned by how happy I felt as I went to bed, and it reminded me of the joy that I used to get from reading when I was a child. The book I read last night, of course, was a children’s book, which might have added to the happiness, but honestly I think that any book would have filled the bill for me last night. Last night was about having that moment for reading without obligations or guilt or exhaustion or any of the other daily demands that can detract from our reading. The gift of the first snow day of the winter.
And then an additional gift today: all town offices are closed for the entire day! There might be more reading in my future today…