
In the supermarket last night, at the checkout register:

A little boy, about 4 years old, discovers a stack of Red Sox door mats, pats them fondly, and says, “Daddy?  Can we get a Red Sox rug for our house?”

Daddy:  “Well, I don’t think Mommy would like that much…”

Boy:  “Why?”

Daddy:  “Well, she’s, um, not much of a Red Sox fan.”

Boy, still patting the doormats:  “Please, Daddy?”

Daddy:  “You really like those, don’t you.”

Boy:  “Uh-huh.  Can we get one?”

Daddy:  “Well, that’s more something you buy if you’re living in a house full of guys.”

Which left the little boy puzzled, but stopped the questions.  Obviously, Mommy’s not a guy, so there ends that battle.

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