This has been a blechy year for me, and for the last week and a half I’ve been dealing with a particularly blechy thing, an infected wisdom tooth, and haven’t felt much like writing blog posts. As of tonight, the problem has gotten much worse (I look like a freakish lopsided chipmunk right now), and I’m afraid that if I were to write a post about work at the library or children’s literature or storytimes or book groups I would just be grumpy and not at all interesting.
So I’m going to nurse my sore mouth-face-neck for a bit, get ready for the inevitable wisdom tooth removal surgery, and only write a post here when I’m in a good mood again. Hopefully that will be sooner rather than later. Meanwhile, feel free to catch up with me via my Etsy store, since jewelry making is one thing that’s keeping me from being too grumpy right now. Probably because it doesn’t involve talking or eating, and is demanding enough to be quite distracting. So there you have it. Time for me to retire for the night, not that I’ll be able to sleep much with my freakishly swollen face. And I’m getting grumpy…signing off now…