Yes, I have finally bowed to pressure, and I have opened up my own storefront on Etsy. At the moment I have eight whole items available for sale! Wow!
Follow the link above, or the exact same link here, to check out my store. It’s a little amateur looking compared to some of the stores on Etsy, which look totally professional, but after several hours of setting policies and uploading photos and such, I am DONE. And in case anyone is wondering, I had wanted to name my store “Abby’s Jewelry,” but that name was already taken, so I thought fast and found that “Ophelia’s Jewelry” was still available. Ophy is very happy to have a store named after her. Pippa is just as glad that I didn’t choose her name for a jewelry store, since Pippa is a bit of a tom-boy.
Let me know what you think of my new store!