Virtual Author Visit

The details aren’t firmed up yet, so I won’t divulge the author’s name, but one of the authors of one of the February book group books has contacted me (via Barbara at the library, since I’m off this week) about joining our upcoming book group discussion via Skype.  How cool is that?!?!  The author even promised me that he/she would help me with my Skype naivete by doing a Skype dry run prior to the book group meeting (what a nice person, this author!). 

I can’t wait to tell the kids in the group that this will be happening, especially since the book was suggested by one of the book group members who advocated so strongly for the book that she got the rest of the kids in the group to vote for it as one of our choices.  And she’s stood up to a bit of gentle teasing, since the other kids in the group originally thought that she said the book is about a girl who sees goats…she really was saying “ghosts,” but somehow it kind of sounded like “goats.”  And that, dear friends, was a BIG hint for you.  I hope the detectives in my readership can track down which book and which author we’re talking about.  Another hint: I did list the book choices for all of the book groups for the rest of the year in a previous post.  I’d offer a fabulous prize for the person who can figure this out, but, alas, I’m quite broke.  But I will mention you by name on the blog if your detective skills lead you to the right book.

Meanwhile, I’m just thrilled that this author found us and is willing to visit with us via Skype.  Very, very, very cool.