My new word

Jim and I played Scrabble tonight – and I had a lousy combo of letters.  Towards the end of the game, I was getting frustrated, and decided to see if I could get away with adding an “t” to an existing word, to create this word (and yes, I presented the definition with the word):

Mewt adj (myut): a cat that cannot meow

Strangely enough, Jim wouldn’t accept the word.  But he did laugh.  The cats, however, were not amused.

2 thoughts on “My new word”

  1. Jim! You so need to play by the “if I can define it and pronounce it, then it’s a viable word” rules! I say so.

    And “mewt” is a definite keeper. Go, Abby.

  2. Aw, Jim wasn’t being a fuddy-duddy…we just don’t usually go the creative route when playing.

    But I agree with you, “mewt” is a keeper!

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