Holiday blues

It’s my day off , and I thought I’d get all inspired and do all sorts of cool things today.  But when I woke up this morning I was very grumpy and very blue…both of which, I realized, are tied to the upcoming holiday.  I’m not quite sure when Christmas turned into a holiday that depresses me, since it used to be my favorite time of year, but it’s happened.  Maybe it’s due to lack of money to spend on gifts, maybe to my siblings living so very far away that we won’t see each other at the holiday, or maybe it’s because other women my age are busy making Christmas fun for their kids, an accoutrement that I don’t have.  Whatever the cause, if these holiday blues continue past today, it’s not going to be much of a Christmas.

And then, just as I write these words, my little psychic kitty Ophy has jumped into my lap and is purring and kneading my left arm with great enthusiasm and love.  (My sister insists that only dogs care about you when you’re sick or down, but I’d like to present Ophy as Exhibit A in the case for caring cats.)  So maybe life ain’t that dreadful, after all.

7 thoughts on “Holiday blues”

  1. Ah,my dear. This is sad and needs remedying, as Christmas comes but once a year. I suggest an evening out with hubby, listening to a live Christmas music performance, perhaps at a local elementary school. Something about those little voices always lightens my spirits and makes me feel happy. Then eat some comfort food, snuggie with hubby and talk about the non-material ways that you will give each other your Christmas presents this year. Oh, and call the siblings…they’re as sad as you are, I bet, that you won’t be getting together this year. Oh, and go out and get a little something to give to any organization collecting things for kids, and focus on what you can do, not on what you can’t. Hope this helps.

  2. Kisses, huggies, and lots of animal lovies from here — Owen, Harry, Milo, and the ever crazy Oliver. I’ll call you soon!!!!

    And yes, I’m with Lizzie: do all of the above!

  3. Thanks, guys – great advice. Especially the comfort food. 🙂 But the best part is knowing I’ve got great people like the two of you in my life.

  4. Abby,
    Sorry to hear you are feeling blue, but I understand the feeling! Hope it passes very quickly. We send warm feelings from this household and echo Liz and Jean’s comments.

  5. Hah! Don’t give in to the people who like Christmas! Do what I do and become a Scrooge — just repeat after me: “Bah! Humbug! Christma humbug!”

    There. Doesn’t that feel better?

  6. Thanks, guys! I’m feeling better now…and we’ll be getting our Christmas tree as soon as it stops raining.

  7. The holidays are so heavy with baggage. We feel stressed out trying to be happy. My friends with kids are no happier at Xmas time—and they express this often on their Facebook pages.

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