Happy Birthday to me!!!

Yup, today is my birthday, and I had a great one!  A few highlights from today:

~ While I was getting ready for toddler storytime at the library, the phone rang – I answered – someone started singing “Happy Birthday” to me, a little offkey, but with great spirit.  At first, I couldn’t figure out who it was…then I realized it was my big sister!  Thanks, Jean!

~ One of my favorite patrons* came in with a homemade cupcake for me with pink frosted writing on it: “Abby – HBD!”  I share my birthday with this patron’s daughter, which definitely helped her to remember my birthday, but I was extremely touched by this cupcake.  It totally made my day special!  And even better was later in the afternoon when her daughter (the birthday girl) came in to the library, wishing me a happy birthday and jumping up and down with excitement because she turned seven today, and could get her library card today!!!

~ Just after the cupcake arrived, I was reminded that my coworker Barbara and I also share a birthday.  How spooky that I suddenly know all these other people with the same birthday!

~ And, the very best part of the day: I came home to an awesome dinner cooked by my totally fantastic husband.  And a great card.  And a gift certificate to the Concord Bookshop.  I’m going to have some kind of fun using that gift certificate on Friday!!  I definitely have the best husband ever.  Definitely.

So, happy birthday to me.  This one was very mellow and not nearly so traumatic as last year’s Decade Birthday.  Whew.

* it should be noted that all of the library patrons are my favorites.  🙂

3 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to me!!!”

  1. Happy birthday, belatedly, Abs! Isn’t it nice when the unexpected leaps up and surprises you on your birthday! One year when I was teaching, the kids got wind of my big day and surprised me with a cake, flowers, and a gift certificate to a book store. It was one of the best bdays ever! Enjoy your bday week. Love, -L

  2. Offkey? Off key??? Hrumph. I was *not* off key. That was creative license with the song. So there.

    Happy day after day after day AFTER your birthday!

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