
Construction has begun on the affordable housing units next to our house.  Very exciting.  Jim and I took an exploratory trip through the unit closest to us today (being Sunday, there were no construction workers on site, and, since there are no “No Trespassing” signs, we figured it was ok to take a walk around).  All of the first floor walls are up, the window and door openings clearly designated, so we could really get a sense of how the house will be to live in.  Nice and bright, lots and lots of big windows, a well-planned floor layout that makes good use of the limited square footage, and a pleasant central staircase.  We climbed half-way up the stairs and took a peek at the second floor: it’s hard to guess how big the second floor will be, since the walls are not up, but from the pre-assembled walls that are resting on the floor deck, we’re guessing that there will be one bedroom and a bathroom up there.

The best part of our walk-around was seeing that our house, that we’ve spent so many hours working on, looks pretty ok from the next lot over.  Good thing, since many of the biggest windows at the new house look directly out at our house.  (We’ll be installing some new window shades on that side…).

I doubt we can ever have neighbors as great as those who lived in the dilapidated garage (Chuck the Woodchuck and family, and the family of skunks), but hopefully our human neighbors-to-be will be nice people, and hopefully they’ll enjoy their new home.  It’s a good one, for sure.

2 thoughts on “Construction”

  1. I will miss Chuck. He and the family have probably relocated under the neighbor’s barn, so hopefully we’ll see his undulating gait in the future.

    And, at least our house is no longer flavored by the run-down garage and is seen for the true jewel that it is. Should I get out the polish???

  2. Well, you know what they say about polish…though I think our house never was a turd, after all. It was just hiding under that vinyl siding.

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