Audition results

Heard from the publication with which I “auditioned” recently, and the news is great!  I’ve been selected as a temporary reviewer for this publication, which reviews children’s books, with the potential to become a permanent reviewer once they’ve detemined how well I fit in with their standards.  Needless to say, I’m pretty thrilled!  (Though one of my coworkers laughed when I told her the news, and said: “And just HOW are you going to fit this into your crazy schedule?”).

One thought on “Audition results”

  1. 6 Responses to “Audition results”
    1. liz Says:
    February 27th, 2007 at 10:01 pm
    ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! This is HUGE good news, Abby! Congratulations! I am soooo happy for you, and a teeny bit envious too. I am sure they will keep you on permanently, as I think you are a great (underscore that!) great book reviewer. I can’t tell you how many books I’ve looked into just because I read your review on the blog. Wow. This is great. Yay you!
    2. Dan Says:
    February 27th, 2007 at 10:55 pm
    Yay! And you’ll fit it into your schedule — It’s Important.
    3. Jean Says:
    February 28th, 2007 at 9:48 pm
    So…for whom is it that you will be writing?????? Inquiring minds must know! And congratulations — none of us ever — EVER — had a doubt you’d be a book reviewer. And — ha! — due to superior sister clairvoyance (SSC) some of us knew that’s *exactly* what you were auditioning (??) for all along. Try to hide from SSC…hehhehheh…vee vill find youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
    4. Abby Says:
    February 28th, 2007 at 10:32 pm
    Hi guys! Thanks for the support!!! I’m pretty excited about this!! Liz – don’t be envious, ’cause I’m envious of what an awesome teacher you obviously are! Dan – you’re right, it is Important, and thrilling! Jean – not sure whether I should write the name of the publication for whom I will be reviewing…call me & I’ll tell you!
    5. liz Says:
    March 2nd, 2007 at 1:00 pm
    Abs…I was a teacher. I left my teaching job exactly one month ago yesterday to work at a philanthrophic organization closer to my home. I also reclaimed all the hours on nights and weekend spent working. I LOVE my new job, am learning a totally new career, and get to go home at 4 with NO expectations to do any more work work. It’s wonderful. I’m so happy for you, though. It is something right up your alley!
    6. Abby Says:
    March 4th, 2007 at 11:20 pm
    Liz: I had no idea! I’m glad to hear that you’ve got less of a commute, and that you’ve reclaimed your off-the-clock time. I know how hard teachers work, and how many long, long days they put in! Congratulations!

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